Reading Between The Lines
In Response to Brian Houston’s ‘The Love Connection’
(The Bulletin – 20/03/2007)
For those of you who might be reading this and who don’t already know, Brian Houston and wife Bobbie are the Senior Pastors’ of a rather large church – Hillsong.
Hillsong church began 23 years go in a school hall, now demolished, and operates mainly out of a building that resembles a sports stadium.
There are several campuses of this church across Sydney – but the main evangelisteria emanates from the one at Bella Vista.
Bella Vista, for those who have never been is a little like Canberra in its own way. There are plenty of roundabouts, and there is something missing – but it is difficult to put ones’ finger on what that is.
Many companies HQ’s are housed at Bella Vista – I remember driving past one once and being quietly disturbed that while I could plainly see the office building, housed I might add in beautifully manicured grounds, no name was displayed anywhere that I could see - however there was plenty of references to the site being private property and under 24 hour surveillance.
Hillsong large as it is – could be the reason the Hills District is sometimes referred to as the Bible Belt.
It size is definitely threatening (it is rumoured that 300,000 people attend services on Sundays), and the stories told of this Church, it’s mission and leadership style – attract a lot of media attention. Not all of it positive.
Houston responded mainly out of annoyance to an article published in a previous edition of The Bulletin ‘Jesus Loves Money’ an article about a book that so far cannot be printed – for its subject matter is too contentious.
I’d like to point out three or four glaring inconsistencies that hit me in the face with the force of a McGrath Delivery.
Houston states that he and his wife endeavour to be consistent and practice what they preach. They apparently preach wisdom, generosity and an outward focus. I guess the generosity bit is true – Bobbie is very generous toward her plastic surgeons, but I can’t see this is consistent with having an ‘outward focus’ unless one is referring to looking in a mirror. I just cannot see how this is living a spiritually enlightened life.
(She energetically recommended this is a way of keeping ones’ husband faithful in the Australian Story piece – she is obviously blissfully unaware that 1 in 4 Australians suffer serious health problems as a direct result of not being able to afford dental treatment).
Houston also states that Hillsong is non-political. I sort of thought religion attempted this above everything else so to state it makes me question the validity of what he said – rather than accept it. Particularly as I know that John Howard gave a speech during the opening ceremony of their annual convention in 2005.
I also know and can source the Good Weekend article where Houston was directly questioned about why their organisation above all others are in receipt of an $80k grant on a quarterly basis.
Politicians regularly speak during services – and to have the congregation of Hillsong Church on your side in the run-up to local and state elections pretty much ensures you win your seat.
I agree that Houston’s private financial affairs are no ones’ business but his and his family’s – I disagree however that if you say you are a silent partner in a company whose main business is Property Redevelopment – that a year or so later it is okay to say that this is untrue, and entirely based on rumour.
I would also be fairly confident in saying that being a senior pastor in a church that requires a stadium to house it’s congregation AND having financial interests in a company that is associated with construction – could be deemed a direct conflict of interest.
Hillsong ideally wants its own society. Houston does not mention that there is a Hillsong Business Directory that is only available to its congregation which would indicate that he does not uphold the concept of free trade with in this country.
In the good weekend article he spoke freely about the bigger plans he had for his congregation – he wanted schools, shopping malls, medical centres, hospitals and supermarkets run by Hillsong, for Hillsong.
The article also gave the impression he was reluctant to answer questions about Mercy Missions – an arm of Hillsong that provides accommodation and counselling services to needy single mothers – however on the proviso that they attend services at his Church or face eviction. Yet in ‘The Love Connection’ he waxes lyrical about the wonderful things he is doing in his community.
I have actually met people who were advised that it would be better for them to commit suicide when they sought counselling within Hillsong when discovering their sexual preference was for their own gender.
While God (according to ministry at Hillsong) loves every one of us – except for homosexuals.
He mentions in The Love Connection that he has supported grieving parents whose children were taken all too soon, celebrated engagements, weddings and births, anniversaries and birthdays. Provided support to those whose marriages are breaking down, who have admitted to addictions, celebrated the good times, and been there in the bad times – I just don’t see that he deserves special recognition for what most of us do without blinking.
There are far greater things going on in the wider non-Hillsong Community that perform similar functions merely because they need doing – no fanfare, no justification, no self-glory and certainly no lyrical-waxing.
On the positive side for this is not a Houston Beat Up, Hillsongs’ Outreach and Youth programs provide an excellent social setting for the young people of the Hills District. Being able to get boys and girls to socialise together without alcohol or drugs – will keep them with us for longer. For this Houston and his Youth Ministry team deserve to be recognised. It’s just the rest I’m not so comfortable with.
A collection of witterings, rants and observations. Things read and overheard. A work of love, and something I'm quietly proud of. Very quietly.
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