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17 February 2014

I'd like to thank...

As I mentioned in my previous post - I'm a wee bit unwell in the head. Not in the way that you would make the international sign for 'loopy' by twirling your finger slightly above your ear - but there is actually something going on in my brain that shouldn't be.

For this I am taking a bucket-load of medication each day. I am so dizzy I am unable to leave the house without a chaperone - and I remind my beautiful-husband-to-be of the times when we was a-courtin' and I'd had too much wine at dinner when I wander up the hallway to the kitchen for a cup of tea.

Every thing I pick up I drop.

Every time I open a jar I drop the jar or the lid or both.

I knock stuff over, I bump in to walls, I trip over nothing, and I have to put both hands on the wall to stop myself from tipping over in the shower. However, a shower is heaven at the moment. I just love that feeling when you step out and pop on some fresh pj's and add a little scent - and baby I'm all ready for more tv watching!

The support I've received from the general public, chemists, manicurists, gps, specialists, hair dressers and all the people I had to contact to re-book our wedding have been amazing. Supportive, kind, flexible, helpful and all have wished me well. These are just the sorts of people you want to be helping you on Your Big Day - if moving the date is no trouble and they wish me well - then I am forever in their debt. See how far a little kindness goes? A very long way.

All the way to my heart.

It's amazing how much can be done by phone - I've managed to arrange prescriptions to be delivered, GPs to write letters and certifeicates as required (mainly to back up the moving of the wedding for various bits and pieces).

You've all been so sweet, so kind, so helpful and generous in your offers of help - I hope you read this one day and realise what
a difference your kindness made to me - my daily life - and means to me, in a heartfelt kinda way.

Compassion for another person costs nothing and yet means so much - why aren't more people actually compassionate I wonder? What are they afraid of - as it seems to be fear that prevents them from showing or being compassionate. May be they're worried that it means they'll have to give more than they already have to give? It never means that. Being compassionate is reward for the soul enough - just try it. Turn around and tell someone why you're pleased they're in your life , or if they hung in there and fought during a particularly rough time in their life - tell them you admire them for hanging in there.

Tell a friend who is going through a rough time - that you'll help them in ways that you can afford - like being there as a shoulder, an ear to listen, in a monetary way if you can manage.

Compassion is free, sending a little love out in to world each day is the most beautiful way you can connect with your fellow humans. It gives far more than it takes. Then from being or showing compassion we learn empathy. These two go hand in hand. Sorta like twins or best friends. You can't have one without the other.

Trust me on this one.

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