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08 May 2014

I'm Confused..

Which if you know me well isn't that unusual - however - what I'm really confused about is the 'Real Housewives' Franchise. They aren't housewives, some are single (I never met a single looking-for-love woman who also stated her main occupation for the tax man was housewivery).

They're all from the same mould as far as I can tell, waaaay too much of everything - don't let me get started on 'Real Housewives of Orange County'.

Do they actually DO any housework? I doubt it. They discuss their 'help' openly in disparaging terms which I think is distasteful - it's a television show - how would YOU like to find out that you've disappointed your boss via a television show? Along with everyone else you know?

All they seem to do is swan about looking vile in far too much makeup, accessories, sparkly dresses that are either too short or show too much saggy cleavage eagerly seeking their next G&T or cheap champagne.

And bitching about each other. They don't hold back on dissing a sister, in the same manner a brick won't stop a reservoir's output. And bitchslapping each other frequently - that seems to be more the point of the show, but why and how is that entertainment, enough to keep replicating the concept further and further afield?

I'm wondering when the Real Housewives will roll out a show from Maungaturoto. Not that there's anything wrong with Maungaturoto - there isn't - it's a perfectly lovely little country town, but the real housewives would be more likely to be sporting rolling pins and dish cloths and expressions suggesting much experience and little time for bollocks, there wouldn't be any in-fighting as each participant knows that the community in which they exist means that being neighbourly keeps the hearth fires burning.

There'd be no bitchslapping, more scone making and recipe swapping, they would save the drink for Saturday nights and sit round a fire talking or singing long in to the night.

I don't understand why the show is even titled 'Housewives' as they are so far removed from the reality of actual housekeeping its an insult to all housewives and househusbands out there.

It should be called Bitchy Tarts of The OC/Atlanta/Melbourne/New York. I like it, I should suggest it to the producers.


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