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18 April 2007

Technology I am happy to say I can live without..

These are lifted straight from the Bible of Gen-Y Indian Women - Femina - Issued on September 28 2005.

1 Self-cleaning clothes

2 Whispiral. A garment that you can wear that will play back messages pre-recorded by loved ones.

3 Zeno Zit Zapper. A small electronic handheld device that you can use to zap your zits all day long if you want to - currently available on e-bay.

4 Kinetic Dress. A dress that will change it's pattern throughout the day - which I have to admit would give me a bit of a fright.

5 Interactive Skirts. Pardon? Skirts that interact? Well now... Nah - skirts mime the design of the other.. the blurb actually states that these would be perfect for girls to wear out as it would send a message to all that 'we two girls just want to be left alone' dunno how that actually works.

6 Vitamin Infused Clothing

7 Mirror TV - A television that is also a mirror so that you can watch in the bathroom

8 Scented Watch - a watch that periodically dispenses perfume..

9 Scratch and Sniff Panties. Available in scents of cut-grass and spicy barbecue.

10 Body Scanners in Fashion Boutiques - you step and scan and the machine spits out a list of clothes that will actually fit... Am certain it would be the great undoing of me.

11 Table-top fireplace. Sits on your table to mimic the real thing with fibre optic cable.. very cosy..

12 Baby Talk. Gadget that will translate baby talk.

13. A Kids Fridge. Shaped like a dog or polar bear. (and here was I thinking that the reason fridges were shaped like they were was because of the spaces they had to fit in...)

14 Moisturising Underwear. I'll say no more

15 The Cubicle Girl. Some sort of gizmo I think... that will keep you company in the bathroom.

And my absolute personal favourite?


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